Our Services

Heat Loss Calculations

Enhance your architectural designs and construction projects with solutions tailored to your design. Make informed decisions about insulation, energy demand, and overall building performance, ensuring your projects meet building regulations with cost-effective solutions.

Heating and Ventilation System Design

Explore HVAC options available to your project with detailed information on system requirements, compatibility, efficiency and effect on decarbonising building operation.

We provide guidance on heating and ventilation strategies, specifications, and design best practices to ensure your project achieves optimal temperature control and indoor air quality.

Environmental Modeling

We provide two-dimensional heat transfer modelling for building elements, steady state and transient energy models for buildings, daylight analysis and other technical services.

These analyses are useful for understanding heat transfer through complex or innovative junctions, effects of building geometry on performance, and can help identify design strengths and improvement opportunities.

Let’s Chat

We’re all about doing our part towards a greener future and we understand there’s no one-fits-all solution when it comes to the building industry.

Give us a call or drop us a line, we’re happy to chat about our process and what we can do for you.